In c#, you can create a delegate like the code below.

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        class Animal
        public string Greeting = "Hello,";
        public void Greet(string message)
        Console.WriteLine(this.Greeting + message);


        class Client
        public SampleDelegate TestDelegate;
        public void Demo()
        Animal a = new Animal();
        TestDelegate = new SampleDelegate(a.Greet);

        But in javascript , "this" is in the context of caller. In ajax library, there is a function to create a delegate.

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        Function.createDelegate = function Function$createDelegate(instance, method)
        /// <param name="instance" mayBeNull="true"></param>
        /// <param name="method" type="Function"></param>
        /// <returns type="Function"></returns>
        var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [
        {name: "instance", mayBeNull: true},
        {name: "method", type: Function}
        if (e) throw e;
        //it is not the same as return method.apply(instance, arguments);
        return function() {
        return method.apply(instance, arguments);

        Please note that is return a function pointer, and the function call the method in the context of instance.

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        function pageLoad() {
        // test is a property of the window object.
        this.test = "I'm a test string!";

        // Create a delegate that points to onButtonClick and pass the
        // window object as the first argument.
        var clickDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, onButtonClick);

        // Handle the click event with the delegate.
        $addHandler($get('testButton'), 'click', clickDelegate);

        //if we call,   $addHandler($get('testButton'), 'click', onButtonClick);
        // the "this" inside of the method will reference to  button, and its
        //test value is null


        function onButtonClick() {
        // Access the window object.

        The Function.createDelegate method is useful because you don’t have to
        store in a global variable—or even in a DOM element—the context that you want
        to access in the event handler.

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        $addHandlers(buttonElement, { click:onButtonClick,
        mouseover:onMouseOver }, this);
        //"this" is context inside of event

        Callback function in ajax library is similar to delegate, but they solve a different problem. Delegate solve the problem of "this" context, so that it accept instance parameter, the "this" will refer to instance. "this" in Callback function is  still in the context of caller. But Callback function accept a context parameter.
        Both concept is very useful in ajax, because it is all about reuse. The section of  code can be reuse in different "conext"!

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        Function.createCallback = function Function$createCallback(method, context) {
        /// <param name="method" type="Function"></param>
        /// <param name="context" mayBeNull="true"></param>
        /// <returns type="Function"></returns>
        var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [
        {name: "method", type: Function},
        {name: "context", mayBeNull: true}
        if (e) throw e;

        return function() {
        var l = arguments.length;
        if (l > 0) {
        var args = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
        args[i] = arguments[i];
        args[l] = context;
        return method.apply(this, args);
        return, context);

        function pageLoad() {
        // The context object.
        var context = { date : new Date() };

        // Create a callback that points to onButtonClick and pass
        // the context object.
        var clickCallback =
        Function.createCallback(onButtonClick, context);

        // Attach a handler to the click event of the button.
        $addHandler($get('myButton'), 'click', clickCallback);

        function onButtonClick(evt, context) {
        // Here we can access both the event object and
        // the context.
        var loadTime =;
        var elapsed = new Date() - loadTime;
        alert((elapsed / 1000) + ' seconds');