<p>Traditional Binding
        The traditional way of binding events is the one that I’ve been using up until now in this
        chapter. It is by far the simplest, most compatible way of binding event handlers. To use
        this particular method, you attach a function as a property to the DOM element that you
        wish to watch. Some samples of attaching events using the traditional method are shown
        in Listing 6-10.</p>

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        // Find the first form element and attach a 'submit' event handler to it
        document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].onsubmit = function(e){
        // Stop all form submission attempts
        return stopDefault( e );
        // Attach a keypress event handler to the body element of the document
        document.body.onkeypress = myKeyPressHandler;
        // Attach an load event hanlder to the page
        window.onload = function(){ … };

        <p>The disadvantages of the traditional method are as follows:
        <li>The traditional method only works with event bubbling, not capturing and bubbling.</li>
        <li>It’s only possible to bind one event handler to an element at a time. This has the potential
        to cause confusing results when working with the popular window.onload property
        (effectively overwriting other pieces of code that have used the same method of binding
        events). An example of this problem is shown in Listing 6-11, where an event handler
        overwrites an old event handler.</li>
        <li>The event object argument is only available in non-Internet Explorer browsers.</li>


        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        // Bind your initial load handler
        window.onload = myFirstHandler;
        // somewhere, in another library that you've included,
        // your first handler is overwritten
        // only 'mySecondHandler' is called when the page finishes loading
        window.onload = mySecondHandler;

        <p>Knowing that it’s possible to blindly override other events, you should probably opt to
        only use the traditional means of event binding in simple situations, where you can trust all
        the other code that is running alongside yours. One way to get around this troublesome mess,
        however, is to use the modern event binding methods provided by browsers.</p>

        <h4>DOM Binding:W3C</h4>

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        // Find the first form element and attach a 'submit' event handler to it
        // Stop all form submission attempts
        return stopDefault( e );
        }, false);
        // Attach a keypress event handler to the body element of the document
        document.body.addEventListener('keypress', myKeyPressHandler, false);
        // Attach an load event hanlder to the page
        window.addEventListener('load', function(){ … }, false);

        <h4>Advantages of W3C Binding</h4>
        The advantages to the W3C event-binding method are the following:
        <li>This method supports both the capturing and bubbling phases of event handling. The
        event phase is toggled by setting the last parameter of addEventListener to false (for
        bubbling) or true (for capturing).
        <li>Inside of the event handler function, the this keyword refers to the current element.</li>
        <li>The event object is always available in the first argument of the handling function.</li>
        <li>You can bind as many events to an element as you wish, with none overwriting previously
        bound handlers.</li>

        <h4>Disadvantage of W3C Binding</h4>
        The disadvantage to the W3C event-binding method is the following:
        <li>It does not work in Internet Explorer; you must use IE’s attachEvent function instead.

        <h4>DOM Binding: IE</h4>
        <p>In a lot of ways, the Internet Explorer way of binding events appears to be very similar to the
        W3C’s. However, when you get down to the details, it begins to differ in some very significant
        ways. Some examples of attaching event handlers in Internet Explorer can be found in
        Listing 6-13.
        Listing 6-13. Samples of Attaching Event Handlers to Elements Using the Internet Explorer Way
        of Binding Events

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        // Find the first form element and attach a 'submit' event handler to it
        // Stop all form submission attempts
        return stopDefault();
        // Attach a keypress event handler to the body element of the document
        document.body.attachEvent('onkeypress', myKeyPressHandler);
        // Attach an load event hanlder to the page
        window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ … });

        <h4>Advantage of IE Binding</h4>
        <li>You can bind as many events to an element as you desire, with none overwriting previously
        bound handlers.
        <h4>Disadvantages of IE Binding</h4>

        <li>Internet Explorer only supports the bubbling phase of event capturing.</li>
        <li>The this keyword inside of event listener functions points to the window object, not the
        current element (a huge drawback of IE).
        <li>The event object is only available in the window.event parameter.</li>
        <li>The name of the event must be named as ontype—for example, onclick instead of just
        requiring click.</li>
        <li>It only works in Internet Explorer. You must use the W3C’s addEventListener for
        non-IE browsers.</li>

        <h4>DOM Binding:Dean Edwards way</h4>

        <pre data-sub="prettyprint:_">
        // Wait for the page to finish loading
        addEvent(window, "load", function(){
        // Watch for any keypresses done by the user
        addEvent( document.body, "keypress", function(e){
        // If the user hits the Spacebar + Ctrl key
        if ( e.keyCode == 32 && e.ctrlKey )
        // Display our special form
        this.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].style.display = 'block';
        // Make sure that nothing strange happens
        //this works in IE and also firfox
        //because the library already fix the event

        <h4>Advantages of addEvent</h4>
        <li>It works in all browsers, even older unsupported browsers.</li>
        <li>The this keyword is available in all bound functions, pointing to the current element.</li>
        <li>All browser-specific functions for preventing the default browser action and for stopping
        event bubbling are neutralized.</li>
        <li>The event object is always passed in as the first argument, regardless of the browser

        <h4>Disadvantage of addEvent</h4>
        It only works during the bubbling phase (since it uses the traditional method of event
        binding under the hood).