• You don't need NgRx, well almost.

    While NgRx is a powerful state management library, I have seen countless projects misuse or overuse it, leading to unnecessary complexity, wasted time, and frustration.

  • Do I Need to Unsubscribe from an Observable in Angular?

    One of the most common questions among Angular developers is: “Do I need to unsubscribe from my Observable?” The short answer is “It depends.” Not all Observables require manual unsubscription, but failing to unsubscribe from the wrong ones can cause memory leaks and performance issues.

  • QMK/VIA - The Soul of Mechanical Keyboards

    Mechanical keyboards are loved for their tactile feedback, satisfying “tok” sound, and endless customization options. However, for me, the true magic lies not just in the hardware but in the software, particularly when it comes to smaller keyboards.

  • Loading React Component by Convention

    Next.js uses file-system based routing, meaning you can use folders and files to define routes. Basically, you don’t need to define routes, and if you access the app by a folder and file path, you can get the component. React Router can also do this. Instead of doing the following:

  • A helper funciton to render nested multiple components

    From time to time, we need to render nested multiple components in React.

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